Visit to Institut Ramon Muntaner - 2023
In March 2023 I participated in the Work Experience activities organised at Institut Ramon Muntaner (Figueres, Spain) to help students of this high complexity institute better orient their careers. In particular, I presented the many possible paths that a career in chemistry can take you to and my experiences doing drug discovery research in industry and academia across five different countries. I hope it was useful to them!
Ruthlish school visit - 2019
Ruthlish school students visited the ICR to learn about cancer research and job prospects in research. I participated in an activity where students moved across different tables where scientists from different backgrounds were located and they could chat with them and ask them questions about their work. It was a very rewarding activity as I could discuss my research and experience as a Spanish chemist who uses computers in his research and I could clarify some misunderstandings around computational research, scientific mobility and job prospects for students interested in computer science. It was also fun!
Round table (catalan) - impulsant els Treballs de Recerca d'estudiants de Batxillerat, 2018
La taula rodona per impulsar els treballs de recerca va tenir lloc el passat dilluns 19 de novembre, a les 18 h, la sala Lluís Companys de la Seu del Districte d’Horta-Guinardó, Barcelona.
El posterior debat entre el public i els membres de la taula va ser molt animat i interessant i va tocar temes com la formulacio de la hipotesi, l'idoneitat de fer treballs de forma individual o en grup i la col.laboracio amb institucions cientifiques. Un plaer haver format part d'aquesta taula rodona!
ICR & DDU Open Evenings 2018 - Virtual Reality and Drug Binding
The Drug Development Unit held its biannual Open Evening for their patients during May 2018 and the Institute of Cancer Research also organized an open evening the 3rd of December aimed at 50 sixth form students from eight local schools. In both events we ran our sucessful VR outreach activity where students learn how drugs bind to their protein receptors and the challenges associated with drugging difficult targets using the Oculus Rift. Very good fun!
Imperial Festival 2017 - Inside a virtual molecule
The Imperial Festival took place between 6-7 May 2017, at Imperial’s South Kensington campus. The yearly event draws attendance of around 15,000 Imperial students, alumni and members of the public.
We developed several activities around the topic of Data Science in cancer. I participated the development of two activities. First, a Guess Who game-board to illustrate how we select protein targets for new drug discovery campaigns and explain the concepts of cancer driver and druggability. The second one consisted in displaying a protein-ligand complex and use the Oculus Rift Virual Reality (VR) to allow visitors to experience VR and feel as if they were inside the protein. This helped us explain how drugs work and talk about the drug discovery efforts undertaken at the ICR Cancer Therapeutics Unit! Everybody loved the activities, particularly the VR which had a consistent queue during both days! It was really good fun!