As part of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) Open Day in October 2014 I gave a talk in catalan aimed at explaining current challenges in anticancer drug discovery from the very basics of drug action and the historical discovery of the first chemotherapy until more state-of-the art research that I carried out as part of my PhD to understand the complex mechanism of action of PARP drugs. I also took part in the station where the basics of DNA were explained to children of a wide range of ages that they could then take home! Yummy!

Xerrada de divulgacio cientifica on introduia els conceptes basics de com funcionen els farmacs contra el cancer, revisavem una mica el descobriment historic de la quimioterapia i introduia tambe la recerca duta a terme durant el meu doctorat sobre el complex mecanisme d'accio dels farmacs PARP. Podeu descarregar la presentació aquí

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